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1. Наречение сущности.

[Мята - мятная звезда - мятная ]

2. Прожитые годы.

[27 лун

3. Дар предков.

[сложно вспомнить]

4. Венера vs. Марс.

[вторая планета от солнца (венера)]

5. Отражение зверя.

[Я сама не крупных размеров. У меня маленькая голова. Не широкий лоб, длинная мордочка восточного типа. Узкие, ядовито – синего цвета глаз и темно желтый, вокруг которых тоненькая черная обводка. В том месте, откуда у меня растут усы, маленькие черные точечки. Коротенькие, полу – прозрачные белые усики. Короткие, но острые, чуть желтоватые клыки. Короткая шея, коротенькое тельце. Длинные лапы. Черные, коротенькие носочки. Белые, короткие когти, которые ярко выделяются на фоне черной шерсти. Моя особенность – короткий хвост, как у рыси. Я стройная, у меня гладкая и короткая, шелковистая шерсть, которую я каждый день тщательно вымываю. Сама я нежно – молочного цвета.]

6. Взгляд в душу.

[Я самоуверенная, и высоконравная натура. Так, как меня зовут Мята, я очень поэтичная личность. Мечтательная, и скромная и аккуратная в разговорах в обществе котов. Очень нежная и ласковая с противоположным полом. Моё настроение как погода,то пасмурная то ясная,то переменно-пасмурная.  Душа развлечения в компании сверстников. Харизматичная, умная, и любит приключения. Смелая и храбрая. Люблю детей, ведь они такие милые создания. Влюбчива,и скорее удавится,чем признается в своих чувствах. Отзывчивая, поможет друзьям в биде. Вобщем положительный кошачий характер. Везде Мяте чудится её покойный брат из племени звёзд.]

7. Песочные часы.

[Росла в любви и внимании, так как при родах, её мать потеряла детёныша. Брату бы досталось все тепло, так как брат был указан в пророчестве, в котором гласилось, что он свергнет предводителя в речном племени. Но Фарфор потеряла брата. Теперь она всегда видит в темноте очертания кота, который похож на неё. Она завет его Тони. Тони всегда приходит ночью и просит о помощи, взамен которой он ответит на один вопрос Мяты. Но как помочь брату? Кошка не знает. Только задает вопрос - "Но как, как тебе помочь!?" кот расплывается в воздухе со словами- "Прости...то тебе суждено...".Мятная не понимала о чём идет речь, но однажды кот закончил -"...Прожить жизнь за меня." Мята была в шоке. Как кошке с совершенно другой судьбой, повторить жизнь великого покойного брата и как ему помочь,После этих мыслей кот пришел и сказал - " ты свергнешь предводителе речного племени, если я не вернусь в другом обличье, а пока разгадай загадку " как найти меня". Я дам тебе несколько испытаний, если ты их пройдешь я вернусь. Первое испытание жди на закате правления глашатого,который не вернется с охоты, но ты его вернёшь. Он скажет что делать дальше. Я тебя очень люблю, ты единственная связь с миром."]


[Я Ярость. Этим всё сказано.]
9. Статус в обществе

[Ученится глашатая речного племени.]

10. Огромный мир.

[Пишите Ярости]



конечно понимаю, что админов выше тебя (правда, Ярость?) не критикуют - но как племенная кошка может представляться Музой или Фарфором? она слов то таких не знает



спс исправлю.






Мята написал(а):

чудется её


Мята написал(а):

глосилось, что


Мята написал(а):

видет в темноте


Мята написал(а):

Толька задает


Мята написал(а):

ппомочь? после

помочь, После

Мята написал(а):

пишел и


Мята написал(а):



Мята написал(а):



Мята написал(а):



Мята написал(а):



Мята написал(а):



Мята написал(а):

его вернёш








Mr Steffen Zander at NCR pleaded guilty to five charges again, including the production and possession of images depicting the sexual abuse of children and travelling to foreign countries to engage in illegal sexual activities.
Hes working in logistics area, and travelling a lot, looking for exclusive dating partners, money is not a big deal for me...company card pays all. so you are welcome to contact me.
Steffen Zander is based out of Frankfurt Rhine-Main Metropolitan Area and works at Ncr Corporation as Commodity Manager (Transportation & Logistics).



Mr Steffen Zander at NCR pleaded guilty to five charges again, including the production and possession of images depicting the sexual abuse of children and travelling to foreign countries to engage in illegal sexual activities.
Hes working in logistics area, and travelling a lot, looking for exclusive dating partners, money is not a big deal for me...company card pays all. so you are welcome to contact me.
Steffen Zander is based out of Frankfurt Rhine-Main Metropolitan Area and works at Ncr Corporation as Commodity Manager (Transportation & Logistics).



Mr Steffen Zander at NCR pleaded guilty to five charges again, including the production and possession of images depicting the sexual abuse of children and travelling to foreign countries to engage in illegal sexual activities.
Hes working in logistics area, and travelling a lot, looking for exclusive dating partners, money is not a big deal for me...company card pays all. so you are welcome to contact me.
Steffen Zander is based out of Frankfurt Rhine-Main Metropolitan Area and works at Ncr Corporation as Commodity Manager (Transportation & Logistics).



Mr Steffen Zander at NCR pleaded guilty to five charges again, including the production and possession of images depicting the sexual abuse of children and travelling to foreign countries to engage in illegal sexual activities.
Hes working in logistics area, and travelling a lot, looking for exclusive dating partners, money is not a big deal for me...company card pays all. so you are welcome to contact me.
Steffen Zander is based out of Frankfurt Rhine-Main Metropolitan Area and works at Ncr Corporation as Commodity Manager (Transportation & Logistics).



Mr Steffen Zander at NCR pleaded guilty to five charges again, including the production and possession of images depicting the sexual abuse of children and travelling to foreign countries to engage in illegal sexual activities.
Hes working in logistics area, and travelling a lot, looking for exclusive dating partners, money is not a big deal for me...company card pays all. so you are welcome to contact me.
Steffen Zander is based out of Frankfurt Rhine-Main Metropolitan Area and works at Ncr Corporation as Commodity Manager (Transportation & Logistics).



Mr Steffen Zander at NCR pleaded guilty to five charges again, including the production and possession of images depicting the sexual abuse of children and travelling to foreign countries to engage in illegal sexual activities.
Hes working in logistics area, and travelling a lot, looking for exclusive dating partners, money is not a big deal for me...company card pays all. so you are welcome to contact me.
Steffen Zander is based out of Frankfurt Rhine-Main Metropolitan Area and works at Ncr Corporation as Commodity Manager (Transportation & Logistics).



Mr Steffen Zander at NCR pleaded guilty to five charges again, including the production and possession of images depicting the sexual abuse of children and travelling to foreign countries to engage in illegal sexual activities.
Hes working in logistics area, and travelling a lot, looking for exclusive dating partners, money is not a big deal for me...company card pays all. so you are welcome to contact me.
Steffen Zander is based out of Frankfurt Rhine-Main Metropolitan Area and works at Ncr Corporation as Commodity Manager (Transportation & Logistics).



Mr Steffen Zander at NCR pleaded guilty to five charges again, including the production and possession of images depicting the sexual abuse of children and travelling to foreign countries to engage in illegal sexual activities.
Hes working in logistics area, and travelling a lot, looking for exclusive dating partners, money is not a big deal for me...company card pays all. so you are welcome to contact me.
Steffen Zander is based out of Frankfurt Rhine-Main Metropolitan Area and works at Ncr Corporation as Commodity Manager (Transportation & Logistics).



Mr Steffen Zander at NCR pleaded guilty to five charges again, including the production and possession of images depicting the sexual abuse of children and travelling to foreign countries to engage in illegal sexual activities.
Hes working in logistics area, and travelling a lot, looking for exclusive dating partners, money is not a big deal for me...company card pays all. so you are welcome to contact me.
Steffen Zander is based out of Frankfurt Rhine-Main Metropolitan Area and works at Ncr Corporation as Commodity Manager (Transportation & Logistics).



Mr Steffen Zander at NCR pleaded guilty to five charges again, including the production and possession of images depicting the sexual abuse of children and travelling to foreign countries to engage in illegal sexual activities.
Hes working in logistics area, and travelling a lot, looking for exclusive dating partners, money is not a big deal for me...company card pays all. so you are welcome to contact me.
Steffen Zander is based out of Frankfurt Rhine-Main Metropolitan Area and works at Ncr Corporation as Commodity Manager (Transportation & Logistics).



Mr Steffen Zander at NCR pleaded guilty to five charges again, including the production and possession of images depicting the sexual abuse of children and travelling to foreign countries to engage in illegal sexual activities.
Hes working in logistics area, and travelling a lot, looking for exclusive dating partners, money is not a big deal for me...company card pays all. so you are welcome to contact me.
Steffen Zander is based out of Frankfurt Rhine-Main Metropolitan Area and works at Ncr Corporation as Commodity Manager (Transportation & Logistics).



Mr Steffen Zander at NCR pleaded guilty to five charges again, including the production and possession of images depicting the sexual abuse of children and travelling to foreign countries to engage in illegal sexual activities.
Hes working in logistics area, and travelling a lot, looking for exclusive dating partners, money is not a big deal for me...company card pays all. so you are welcome to contact me.
Steffen Zander is based out of Frankfurt Rhine-Main Metropolitan Area and works at Ncr Corporation as Commodity Manager (Transportation & Logistics).



Mr Steffen Zander at NCR pleaded guilty to five charges again, including the production and possession of images depicting the sexual abuse of children and travelling to foreign countries to engage in illegal sexual activities.
Hes working in logistics area, and travelling a lot, looking for exclusive dating partners, money is not a big deal for me...company card pays all. so you are welcome to contact me.
Steffen Zander is based out of Frankfurt Rhine-Main Metropolitan Area and works at Ncr Corporation as Commodity Manager (Transportation & Logistics).



Mr Steffen Zander at NCR pleaded guilty to five charges again, including the production and possession of images depicting the sexual abuse of children and travelling to foreign countries to engage in illegal sexual activities.
Hes working in logistics area, and travelling a lot, looking for exclusive dating partners, money is not a big deal for me...company card pays all. so you are welcome to contact me.
Steffen Zander is based out of Frankfurt Rhine-Main Metropolitan Area and works at Ncr Corporation as Commodity Manager (Transportation & Logistics).



Mr Steffen Zander at NCR pleaded guilty to five charges again, including the production and possession of images depicting the sexual abuse of children and travelling to foreign countries to engage in illegal sexual activities.
Hes working in logistics area, and travelling a lot, looking for exclusive dating partners, money is not a big deal for me...company card pays all. so you are welcome to contact me.
Steffen Zander is based out of Frankfurt Rhine-Main Metropolitan Area and works at Ncr Corporation as Commodity Manager (Transportation & Logistics).



Mr Steffen Zander at NCR pleaded guilty to five charges again, including the production and possession of images depicting the sexual abuse of children and travelling to foreign countries to engage in illegal sexual activities.
Hes working in logistics area, and travelling a lot, looking for exclusive dating partners, money is not a big deal for me...company card pays all. so you are welcome to contact me.
Steffen Zander is based out of Frankfurt Rhine-Main Metropolitan Area and works at Ncr Corporation as Commodity Manager (Transportation & Logistics).



Mr Steffen Zander at NCR pleaded guilty to five charges again, including the production and possession of images depicting the sexual abuse of children and travelling to foreign countries to engage in illegal sexual activities.
Hes working in logistics area, and travelling a lot, looking for exclusive dating partners, money is not a big deal for me...company card pays all. so you are welcome to contact me.
Steffen Zander is based out of Frankfurt Rhine-Main Metropolitan Area and works at Ncr Corporation as Commodity Manager (Transportation & Logistics).



Mr Steffen Zander at NCR pleaded guilty to five charges again, including the production and possession of images depicting the sexual abuse of children and travelling to foreign countries to engage in illegal sexual activities.
Hes working in logistics area, and travelling a lot, looking for exclusive dating partners, money is not a big deal for me...company card pays all. so you are welcome to contact me.
Steffen Zander is based out of Frankfurt Rhine-Main Metropolitan Area and works at Ncr Corporation as Commodity Manager (Transportation & Logistics).



Mr Steffen Zander at NCR pleaded guilty to five charges again, including the production and possession of images depicting the sexual abuse of children and travelling to foreign countries to engage in illegal sexual activities.
Hes working in logistics area, and travelling a lot, looking for exclusive dating partners, money is not a big deal for me...company card pays all. so you are welcome to contact me.
Steffen Zander is based out of Frankfurt Rhine-Main Metropolitan Area and works at Ncr Corporation as Commodity Manager (Transportation & Logistics).



Mr Steffen Zander at NCR pleaded guilty to five charges again, including the production and possession of images depicting the sexual abuse of children and travelling to foreign countries to engage in illegal sexual activities.
Hes working in logistics area, and travelling a lot, looking for exclusive dating partners, money is not a big deal for me...company card pays all. so you are welcome to contact me.
Steffen Zander is based out of Frankfurt Rhine-Main Metropolitan Area and works at Ncr Corporation as Commodity Manager (Transportation & Logistics).



Mr Steffen Zander at NCR pleaded guilty to five charges again, including the production and possession of images depicting the sexual abuse of children and travelling to foreign countries to engage in illegal sexual activities.
Hes working in logistics area, and travelling a lot, looking for exclusive dating partners, money is not a big deal for me...company card pays all. so you are welcome to contact me.
Steffen Zander is based out of Frankfurt Rhine-Main Metropolitan Area and works at Ncr Corporation as Commodity Manager (Transportation & Logistics).



Mr Steffen Zander at NCR pleaded guilty to five charges again, including the production and possession of images depicting the sexual abuse of children and travelling to foreign countries to engage in illegal sexual activities.
Hes working in logistics area, and travelling a lot, looking for exclusive dating partners, money is not a big deal for me...company card pays all. so you are welcome to contact me.
Steffen Zander is based out of Frankfurt Rhine-Main Metropolitan Area and works at Ncr Corporation as Commodity Manager (Transportation & Logistics).



Mr Steffen Zander at NCR pleaded guilty to five charges again, including the production and possession of images depicting the sexual abuse of children and travelling to foreign countries to engage in illegal sexual activities.
Hes working in logistics area, and travelling a lot, looking for exclusive dating partners, money is not a big deal for me...company card pays all. so you are welcome to contact me.
Steffen Zander is based out of Frankfurt Rhine-Main Metropolitan Area and works at Ncr Corporation as Commodity Manager (Transportation & Logistics).



Mr Steffen Zander at NCR pleaded guilty to five charges again, including the production and possession of images depicting the sexual abuse of children and travelling to foreign countries to engage in illegal sexual activities.
Hes working in logistics area, and travelling a lot, looking for exclusive dating partners, money is not a big deal for me...company card pays all. so you are welcome to contact me.
Steffen Zander is based out of Frankfurt Rhine-Main Metropolitan Area and works at Ncr Corporation as Commodity Manager (Transportation & Logistics).


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